In this work-from-home era, coworkers have all but been reduced to a virtual screen. Companies who formerly had large in-person office spaces are challenged with maintaining employee morale and fostering engagement. Company holiday parties – love them or hate them – play an important role in this each year.
According to the Wall Street Journal, only 23% of companies said they were planning a holiday party, down from nearly 76% the previous year.” Of these 23%, many planned virtual options. These include everything from assigning each employee an avatar to interact in a virtual landscape to sending employees treats and costumes to wear on a virtual Zoom party.
Nevertheless, employee receptiveness to these substitutes has remained low. A surprising 59% reported they were either unsure or would not attend. Many worried the activities would feel like a “chore” or there would be a lack of things to talk about.
Still other employers are attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy with carefully planned in-person gatherings. Some of these include outdoor scavenger hunts, drive-in movie nights, and parking lot parties.
Itching to get back to the office? Let us help your company plan out its office spaces in the post-Covid era. Contact us today.